- Soup and Sandwich Supper, March 9 through April 6, 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall
- Mid-week Lenten Services, March 9 through April 6. 6:30 PM.
- Palm Sunday, April 10, 9 AM (Procession of the Palms, meet in the Narthex prior to the service)
- NO service or Confirmation classes on Wednesday, April 13
- MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 14: 6:30 PM Service WITH First Communion Celebration for 4th & 5th grade participants.
- GOOD FRIDAY, March 15: 1 PM Service and 6:30 PM Service (with stripping of Altar)
- EASTER SUNDAY: 7 AM Service, 8 AM Pancake Breakfast sponsored by St Paul’s Youth Group, 9 AM Service (will be live-streamed on Facebook).
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