Beer & Bible Study
If coming to church for Bible study doesn’t sound like something you’re comfortable with or interested in, how about meeting at the tavern with a beer or soda to go along with Bible study? How about if the group chooses what to discuss and looks at what the Bible really says about whatever that topic might be?
If all of this sounds intriguing to you, please contact the church to express your interest. We’d love to know which days/times work best for you. And please, help spread the word to others who might like to give it a try.
We hope that you will join us for something unexpected, fun, and fulfilling.
Last Thursday and First Thursday of each month, held jointly with Bristol Lutheran Church, 5:30 PM at our new location
Barrel Inn, 1152 Berlin RD, Marshall, WI 53559
Chara! Adult Bible Study
Chará is the greek noun for “Joy”!
The Chará Bible Study meets Sundays at St. Paul’s in the lower level in Room 5.
We are Studying Psalm 91 with a book by Peggy Joyce Ruth.
If interested, please contact Brenda Rowbotham (920)478-4091