Serving at St. Paul’s
God has given each of us unique gifts. He wants us to use our talents, experiences and passions to make a difference in the world around us.
Serving others helps us change the lives of those around us and open hearts to His love for us. St. Paul’s offers plenty of opportunities to serve and connect with others.
Our hearts are always open to exploring new ways to help our members, our community, and this beautiful world of ours. Contact us and let us know what is on your heart. Thank you for your ministry to St. Paul’s.
Calling All Ushers!
Ushers play a vital role in our church. They set the tone for worship and assist in preparing the congregation to hear the Word of God. St. Paul’s is looking for more individuals to join our ushering teams.
Serving on Sundays
St. Paul’s is seeking volunteers to help with the following openings: (TRAINING IS AVAILABLE!)
Lectors & Prayer Leaders
Videographers (simultaneous Facebook Live Streaming)
Communion Assistants (October through May)
Volunteers for these positions are needed about once every other month. We will work with you to schedule Sundays that work best for you. Please contact the church office if you would like to help during our worship services.
We thank all of our council and committee members, past and present. Your willingness to make a contribution to the life of our congregation is deeply appreciated.
Congregation Council: Any active confirmed member is eligible to be elected to serve on the council.
Council President: Rob Rowbotham
Council Vice President: Angie Stuelke
Congregational Secretary: Jill Oelke
Treasurer: Jean Buss
Financial Secretary: Traci Beyer
Combined Committee consists of Outreach Support & The Congregational Life Committees: Conducts evangelism efforts and extends the work of the church into the community. Oversees the stewardship of our members to give of themselves and their resources of time, energy and money.
Chair Person: Marilyn Connell
Education Committee: Directs adult education, confirmation instruction, first communion instruction, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.
Chair Person: Jamie Stock-Retzloff
Property Committee: Oversees maintenance and special projects concerning the church building and grounds.
Chair Person: Helen Hebel
Finance Committee: Oversees financial policies and investments of the church at home and elsewhere and aids in the annual budgeting process.
Chair Person: Rob Rowbotham & Traci Beyer
Worship Committee: Oversees worship services and schedule.
Chair Person: Valery Silha
Mutual Ministry Committee: Oversees issues pertaining to congregational employees, including job descriptions, compensation, interviewing, communication, conflict resolution and annual reviews.
Chair Person: Jill Oelke
Women of the ELCA: This group serves meals at church funerals, makes quilts for Lutheran World Relief and undertakes numerous other projects.